These materials have been prepared by Boyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery for informational purposes only and its submission by you does not create, and its receipt does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. To engage the services of Boyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery, payment is expected at the conclusion of any scheduled consultations with our attorneys and, if you decide to retain Boyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery to represent you, a retainer will have to be paid and a representation agreement must be signed by you (the client) and a lawyer at Boyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery, LLC to establish an attorney-client relationship.
I understand that filling out this form does not create attorney-client privilege nor does it establish me as a client of Boyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery. If you have any questions about this form, or its submission, please email us at or contact us at 770-953-4300. We look forward to the privilege of representing you.